The majority of treatments include preparing the patient for further specialist treatment, e. g. prosthetics or implantations. Every treatment requires unique precision and knowledge of complex surgical techniques, hence, we cooperate with the best specialists in dental surgery.
The Dental Centre is home to specialists who are able to provide full-scope surgical treatment, beginning with simple extractions, through complex chiselling of wisdom teeth, all the way to elevation of the maxillary sinuses and implant treatment. The surgeons perform a range of treatments bordering on surgery and periodontics and handle preparing the oral cavity for prosthetics.
All procedures are carried out under local anaesthesia, using innovative, digital local anaesthesia equipment – Quick Sleeper, ensuring unique and painless anaesthesia administration and guaranteeing sterility during the performance. It is also possible to utilise inhalation anaesthesia by nitrous oxide (laughing gas) in order to improve the patient’s mental comfort before the procedure.
Planned surgical treatment causes fear of the operation, any complications and pain in patients. The success of the treatment and the selection of the optimum procedure strategy always go hand in hand with care for reliable information provided to the patient and the removal of any doubts that may be present. Hence, in each case, the patient is appropriately prepared for the treatment. The dentist will precisely explain the entire treatment plan, the individual stages and any possible consequences. All surgical procedures are carried out under anaesthesia, and the operating field is kept aseptic. After the treatment, the patient is properly cared for, so that the entire process finishes successfully, and so that the patient can heal quickly.